It was truly life changing
I am a professional actor who lives in Ontario, Canada. I was in Moscow from September 13 – December 13, and I will never forget it. Beginning of love story 6.
Last summer I was brought to Moscow to perform in the Broadway in Moscow production of the tap dance musical “42ND STREET” at the Moscow Youth Palace. Nothing I did prior to my travels, with the exception of learning to read the Cyrillic alphabet, prepared me for my time spent living and working in Moscow and I, like you, am still talking about it, and sharing my experiences with anyone who will listen. In total I was in Russia for 13 weeks and I came home with 2300 digital photographs, many memories and a variety of experiences which I will never forget. To stand in Red Square, to sit in the Bolshoi Theatre, to walk freely through the VVTs and the Kolomenskoe Estate , to watch a production at the Moscow Art Theatre and to explore the churches and museums which have only been open to Westerners for a little more than a decade, was truly life changing.
To be honest, the thirteen weeks wasn’t totally a positive experience and the challenges of mounting our show were myriad, but on the whole I have no regrets that I took the opportunity offered to me, and I’m grateful for this truly eye-opening chance to take part in this wonderful culture. I would go back in an instant, and would love to share my enthusiasm, wonder and respect for this 855 year old wonder and it’s people. I’ll send you a few photos (under a separate email) of my trip from my perspective. I look forward to hearing from you too, if you have the time…
Scott Hurst, Ontario CANADA

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Several visits to Russia and my continuous contact with Eastern Europe made me a kind of “expert” in Russian girl dating, and I would like to share the knowledge of services that are available for men seeking a foreign wife in these regions. Click here for recommended Russian dating websites.
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