4. First letters from Russian women that swept me off my feet
Three weeks later the first letters arrived in my post box. Snail mail! We’ll soon forget what it is (was). I think it is the right time to start collecting postal stamps – they will soon become rarity. Nevertheless, Russian women still use them.
I was so surprised to see these letters because after I placed the ad, I never worked out how long it could take for letters if any to arrive. I collect mail from my post box once a week; this is why there were a few letters. It took me by surprise, but a very pleasantly so.
With those letters in my hand I could not wait to get home. I would lie if I say I was shivering but surely I was full of joy. It was not the type of feeling that you experience with your first date; it was more the feeling of satisfaction and excitement, like when you check your lotto ticket and the first 4 numbers are the same as yours – and you are about to check the last 2. The joy was overwhelming – I now knew there really were women in Russia that were interested in western men – and that they were interested in me, too! Many things had flashed through my mind before I reached home, the whole brain storming process that I went through before placing the ad. The most outstanding point was that the women responded to my ad without knowing what I looked like. My mind was running, and I was wondering what would the women look like?
My ad was placed in the whole of Russia. You have the option to choose cities if you so prefer, but because of my uncertainty whether I would receive any response to the ad, I placed it in the whole of Russia.
I did not sort out the mail. I opened the first letter that was lying on top. I pulled the letter out of the envelope and inside the letter were two photos. I was stunned. I looked and looked and looked and could not believe in what I was seeing. The most beautiful girl you can think of. Look at the pictures of Irina and decide for yourself.
After a while I read the letter. She was from St Petersburg. It was a short letter written in complicated English, but still intelligible. She was about two years younger then my requested requirements. After reading the letter, I took a big breath and made myself some coffee, before opening the next one. This was way too much for a healthy man’s heart.
I cannot recall how many letters I have received that day, probably about nine. I opened the rest, looked at the photos and read the letters. The rest were very average comparing to the first one but still they were also attractive women. Some of the letters were written in Russian of which I could not understand a single word. I can remember there was even a letter without a photo from a woman that was older then me.
Then I calmed down, sat and wondered if this were the reaction in the first week what would it be the next week. I was trying to figure our how to deal with the situation. When must I respond to them and what should I say to whom? The ones that had only Russian version of the return address automatically excluded themselves from receiving a response. In retrospect I think I could just have made a copy of the Russian address, glued it to the envelope, add “Russia” at the bottom and sent it like that – I am sure it would have reached the addressee – but at that time this idea did not occur to me. I think I was a little bit overwhelmed.
So I did not rush into writing responses, still not sure how I should reply. It just shows you how important is to think about the consequences once you have started. Luckily it was snail mail – if it was e-mail, the women would decide I was not interested!

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